We have four types of packages , any one can buy one of them , the below are the details for four packages:
1- Single Plan : under this type of membership , the member has access for more than 110 online stores addresses , so he/she can buy one time only ( one parcel will be delivered to her /him ) , this membership expires once we delivered the member his/her parcel.
2- Premium Plan : under this type of membership , the member has access for more than 110 online stores addresses , so he/she can buy Five times only ( Five parcels will be delivered to her /him ) , this membership expires once we delivered the member his/her 5 parcels .
3- Ultimate Plan : under this type of membership , the member has access for more than 110 online stores addresses , so he/she can buy ten times only ( Ten parcels will be delivered to her /him ) , this membership expires once we delivered the member his/her 10 parcels .
4- Business Plan : under this type of membership , the member has access for more than 110 online stores addresses , so he/she can buy ten times only ( Ten parcels will be delivered to her /him ) , this membership expires once we delivered the member his/her 20 parcels .
** The prices are Fixed , regarding the refund – Please read our refund policy page.
How does MyPs work?
MyPS provides the Palestinian shoppers with a shipping address they can use when placing orders with International online stores.
We have pickup points at Jerusalem which store ships your purchases to MyPS Addresse, then we ship it to you at Palestine.
Customer Services :
We are working from Sunday to Thursday , working Hours : from 9:00 am to 5:00 PM .
You can contact us by writing to us through Contact page Only , our support team will response to your inquires through 12 Hours as a maximum.